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Surfing as a Way to Connect With Nature

The ocean’s sound is enthralling. The birds’ singing is wonderful. The artificial grounds can’t compare to the sensation of the soil beneath our feet. In the grand scheme of things, our own creations are insignificant. We have the unique opportunity to connect with the natural world as surfers. To ride the waves, we must immerse ourselves in the great sea, learn to trust ourselves to speak the Earth’s language, and become a part of its rhythm to stay alive. Whether we consciously recognize it or not, our adaptation to the planet and its cycles generates an appreciation for our surroundings.

What Makes Surfing So Popular

Surfing is more popular than ever. It has seen a few peaks and even some lulls, but it is presently seeing unparalleled growth in public appeal and worldwide reach. Some of the causes behind its popularity are as follows:


  • It’s as though you’re walking on water
  • Surfing is a habit-forming activity
  • It appears to be excellent
  • Surfing provides a compelling motivation to tour the world
  • It gives you a rush of adrenaline
  • Being in nature, especially on the water, is awe-inspiring
  • Surfing is difficult
  • It gives you a sense of vitality
  • Surfing is a great way to get some workouts
  • Surfing exposes you to some of the world’s most gorgeous locations
  • You can surf in the best weather
  • Surfing is an exciting sport
  • Many people consider surfers to be beautiful
  • It’s a sport that’s good for the environment
  • Surfing big waves
  • The surfing community
  • Surf culture is appealing
  • Surfing superstars
  • Surfing is a risky sport
  • You get to see nature up close and personal
  • Kelly Slater
  • Surfing has a long history
  • Surfing has evolved into a competitive sport
  • Surfing is a lucrative industry


Being in the water reminds you of what a fragile thing Pachamama (Mother Nature) is and always will be. There are many causes for perfect waves, all connected to the Earth’s ebb and flow. It’s no coincidence that the majority of surfers are also conservationists. The contrast between human impact and natural deterioration is more obvious than at the point where coastlines meet.

Surfers place a premium on maintaining this delicate balance, and protecting our natural treasures is at the top of their priority list. From organizing oceanfront clean-ups to rallying support against unsustainable fishing, surfers’ involvement in the future of the Earth has been prevalent since the dawn of the sport. It is becoming more entrenched in years to come. Surfers are forming more ocean-protecting organizations, and their efforts and effects are becoming more successful in the fight to preserve and safeguard our seas.



Commodities have never been more readily available, and immediate pleasure lies in the palm of our hands in an era of smartphones, TVs, and computers. In the realm of surfing, however, the unpredictable character of the water has forced surfers to endure interminable flat spells and extended line-up waits. Learning to surf does not happen overnight; it takes years of dedication and perseverance to learn the fundamentals of pop-up and wave timing. (Learn these skills with our Fun Surf LA surf school!)

More than a surfer’s unique skill, a surfer’s determination to pursue this ability and wait for the appropriate circumstances to do what you love frequently characterizes a surfer. Exasperation has no place in surfing, and those who are impatient will become frustrated by poor events and personal blunders. Waiting and being satisfied to wait is an uncommon characteristic in today’s world, and it’s something we can all improve on in our daily lives.



Surfing guarantees that you spend more time outside, increasing strength, stamina, and flexibility. Most individuals are deficient in vitamin D, and spending those additional hours in the sunlight can help you maintain your levels. The ocean has also proven to be a pleasant cure for a hangover and a means to wash away the day’s troubles.

Surfing guarantees that you spend more time outside, increasing strength, stamina, and flexibility. Most individuals are deficient in vitamin D, and spending those additional hours in the sunlight can help you maintain your levels. The ocean has also proven to be a pleasant cure for a hangover and a means to wash away the day’s troubles.


Surfing is sometimes viewed as more of a life than a sport by those of us who have a relationship to the ocean, which is why any surfer seeking a break from work will always hunt for the most significant waves for their next surfing vacation. There are several benefits to being in the water and riding a wave created by Mother Nature, all of which influence how we conduct as humans.

Marina Mukanova

Author Marina Mukanova

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